Saturday, June 14, 2014

Caving to the Outlet

For the last few months I had been executing such restraint in my clothes purchasing, in particular, refraining from visiting the outlet. But alas, I have now made 2 trips there in just a few short weeks - though both were at the suggestion of others.

My sister and I met at the outlet this afternoon and also went to a clothing exchange. For the combined price of $13.05 and a bag of clothes to swap, I got the following:

4 pairs of pants/ shorts
2 blazers
3 cardigans
3 shirts
2 dresses
3 like-new bras
1 brand new VS swimsuit
1 hoodie
a few workout items

Monokinis may be extremely awkward and produce the worst tan lines, but I found a brand new (adhesive liner still in place) Victoria's Secret monokini that somehow fits perfectly. This is particularly notable due to my incongruous bust and tush sizes.
On my lousy camera phone it appears brown, but in real life it is a gorgeous lavender.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

April and May Purchases: Progess!

April Purchases:

Flats: BP/ $4 / Value Village
Boots: $10 / Value Village

May Purchases:

Heels: $2.50/ Value Village
Sweater: Old Navy/ $2 / Value Village 
Cropped Pants: Express/ $5 / Value Village
Ankle Boots: $4/ Value Village
Blouse: H&M/ $2/Value Village
Flats: ShoeMint/$0 (not pictured, discussed here)
Total = $15.50

You can't beat holiday sales! Value Village was 50% off store-wide for Memorial Day.

As much as a love trips to the outlet store, returning with a giant bag or two of clothes for $15, I am completely out of space and am forbidding myself to indulge any more. For the time being, my only purchases are those that fulfill a need and/or replace something old and worn out.

In even more productive news, I joined my mom and sis in a neighborhood garage sale in May, which finally gave me the motivation to go through my closet and drawers and purge unworn items. Unable to get a fire under my butt to do this for years, I gathered numerous bags of clothes and collected an entire row of hanging items that I am ready to part with -- for potential cash, of course. I made about $65 in the garage sale and will try taking the unsold items to Buffalo Exchange or Crossroads.